Beat the Heat: How Programming Your AC Can Lower Your Electric Costs

Saving money on energy bills is a common concern for many homeowners and renters alike. With the cost of electricity and gas continuing to rise, finding ways to reduce your energy usage can make a significant difference in your monthly expenses. One effective way to do this is by programming your thermostat to optimize your energy usage and reduce waste. However, despite the benefits of using a programmable thermostat, many people fail to take advantage of this technology, either due to misconceptions about its complexity or a lack of understanding about its benefits. In this blog post, we will explore how to save money on your electrical bill by programming your thermostat, including tips for getting started, optimizing your settings, and troubleshooting common issues that may arise. By the end of this post, you will have the knowledge and tools you need to start saving money and reducing your energy consumption with your programmable thermostat.

Understanding your thermostat

Thermostats are an essential component of your home’s heating and cooling system. They work by sensing the temperature of your home and turning your HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system on or off to maintain your desired temperature. There are several types of thermostats available in the market, including manual, programmable, and smart thermostats. Manual thermostats are the most basic type and require manual adjustments to set the desired temperature. These are often found in older homes and are less energy-efficient than other options. Programmable thermostats are more advanced and offer the ability to set temperature schedules throughout the day and week. These can be manually programmed or set to automatically adjust based on your preferences. Smart thermostats take programming to the next level by allowing you to control your thermostat remotely through your smartphone or other connected device. They also offer features like learning your behavior patterns and adjusting the temperature accordingly to optimize energy usage. Understanding your thermostat settings is crucial to effectively programming it. Most thermostats have basic settings such as “heat,” “cool,” and “off.” However, some thermostats may have additional settings such as “fan” or “auto.” Knowing how to use these settings and how they affect your energy usage is important for optimizing your thermostat’s performance. It’s also important to address common misconceptions about programming your thermostat. Many people believe that programming a thermostat is too complicated or not worth the effort. However, with the right knowledge and tools, programming your thermostat can be a straightforward and effective way to save money on your energy bills. In the following sections, we will discuss how to set up and optimize your thermostat settings to maximize your energy savings.

A note on Fan Setting

All thermostats that I have seen have a setting for the fan speed, generally “On” or “Auto”. There is no reason to use the “On” setting, as this causes the AC blower to run constantly. Simply running a fan is a better way to move air around if desired, as the AC blower is less efficient due to duct losses, and uses a lot of power in general. As well, running the blower after the cooling cycle is finished tends to evaporate any left over condensation on the AC coil. All in all, make sure to set your thermostat to “Auto” for better humidity control and less energy usage.

Setting up and optimizing your thermostat

Programming your thermostat may seem daunting at first, but the benefits of optimizing your settings can lead to significant energy savings. Here are some tips for setting up and optimizing your thermostat:

  1. Choose the right programming option: Most thermostats offer both manual and automatic programming options. Automatic programming is the most efficient option since it allows you to create temperature schedules for different times of the day and week, optimizing your energy usage. However, if you have trouble programming your thermostat, the manual option may be more straightforward.

  2. Set your temperature preferences: The optimal temperature settings depend on the time of day and the season. Generally, it’s recommended to set your thermostat to 78°F in the summer and 68°F in the winter for optimal energy savings. You can adjust these settings based on your preferences and needs.

  3. Consider other factors: Your thermostat settings should take into account other factors such as humidity, the age of your HVAC system, and insulation. For example, increasing humidity in the summer can make you feel warmer, allowing you to raise your thermostat by a few degrees without sacrificing comfort. Similarly, if your HVAC system is old, you may need to adjust your thermostat settings to compensate for its inefficiency.

  4. Use your thermostat in conjunction with other energy-saving techniques: Your thermostat is just one tool in your energy-saving arsenal. Other techniques such as weatherstripping, insulation, and shading can also help reduce your energy usage. By using these techniques in conjunction with your thermostat, you can maximize your energy savings.

Addressing common issues and tips for using your programmable thermostat

Despite the benefits of using a programmable thermostat, some people may not use it to its full potential due to forgetfulness, discomfort with temperature changes, or other reasons. Here are some tips for addressing common issues and maximizing your energy savings:

  1. Use pre-programmed settings: Many thermostats come with pre-programmed settings for different seasons and times of day. These settings can be a helpful starting point for those who are unsure how to program their thermostat.

  2. Seek professional help: If you’re having trouble programming your thermostat, consider reaching out to a professional for assistance. They can help you set up and optimize y#our settings, ensuring that you’re getting the most out of your thermostat.

  3. Check your thermostat regularly: Even with automatic programming, it’s essential to check your thermostat regularly to ensure that it’s working correctly. If you notice any issues, such as inaccurate temperature readings, consider recalibrating your thermostat or replacing it altogether.

By following these tips and optimizing your thermostat settings, you can save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint. Remember, programming your thermostat may require some effort initially, but the long-term benefits are worth it.


In conclusion, programming your thermostat is an effective way to save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint. By setting up and optimizing your thermostat, you can create temperature schedules that align with your daily routine and preferences, minimizing unnecessary energy usage.

While some may be hesitant to program their thermostat, it’s important to remember that the benefits are worth the effort. In addition to energy savings, a well-programmed thermostat can also improve your overall comfort and indoor air quality.

If you’re still unsure how to program your thermostat, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. An HVAC technician can help you set up and optimize your thermostat, ensuring that you’re getting the most out of your investment.

Finally, remember to use your thermostat in conjunction with other energy-saving techniques such as weatherstripping, insulation, and shading. By combining these techniques, you can further reduce your energy usage and save even more money on your energy bills.

In summary, programming your thermostat is a simple yet effective way to save money and reduce your environmental impact. By taking the time to optimize your settings and use your thermostat in conjunction with other energy-saving techniques, you can create a more comfortable and sustainable home.