How I Host this Website for Free

I used to host a website through this domain with, but although I think they are a good hosting company, I realized that I was barely using any bandwidth, disk space, or processor time. Considering I had unlimited everything for my hosting package, I decided to not renew with HostGator. For a time I parked this domain, then linked it to my Venmo Page as a joke, before deciding to look for a better alternative.

I figured that there must be some service available for small sites, and first I though about using Amazon AWS, but found out that I could not use the free tier. Eventually, I stumbled across Firebase which has a perpetually free tier, unlike AWS, with quotas I cannot dream of meeting. Their hosting service only hosts static pages, but this is not an issue to me because I never used the server side capabilities of my hosting provider before.

WIth my last website, I used Adobe Muse to design my website, but I could never seem to make it spit out a decent result with text boxes that didn’t randomly move around. So I looked for a way to make a nice looking static sites, as I figured a simpler website would both load faster, and be more reliably displayed on different devices. With a few Google Searches, I found a static website generator called Hugo which resulted in this.

So, if you have a website which you do not expect to be very popular (I got like 100 visitors a month on my other one), don’t bother with paid hosting plans. Now I just wish I could have thought of this a year ago.